Hike Log

Hike #6


Manker Flat to Devils Backbone

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

Hike #6: Mt. Baldy

Danced with the devil along the Devil’s Backbone trail on my hike to the highest peak in Los Angeles: Mt. Baldy. Because of weather reasons, I moved my hike to this past Monday as opposed to my usual Sunday. I originally chose weekends to ensure there were more people out on the trails since this has been my first solo hiking adventure. So going out on a Monday… I was the only one out on the trail. Definitely an intimidating feeling stepping out onto the trail head in the pitch dark knowing there was no one else around, but I held onto my experiences from over the last six weeks and knew I could do it. Mother moon was looking down with her crescent smile, Orion was sparkling and bright above the mountains, so I headed out!
It was a beautiful hiking day. There were just enough clouds that I wasn’t in the direct sun but it was bright enough to still have views all around. While it was definitely a strenuous hike, it was not as difficult as I thought it would be. Could I have said this 6 weeks ago when I first started these big hikes? Probably not, but I feel pretty damn proud to be able to say that now.
Feeling very proud and accomplished to have completed this challenge, however I feel like I have more to give and more to push so I’ve decided to take on the final 3 biggest peaks here in SoCal. A few weeks ago I would have told you there’s no way I was mentally or physically ready, but I know now I can totally do this.
Onto the next adventures. Onwards and upwards. 🤘🏼💜😎


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