Hike Log

Hottest Day Hike


Mt Baden-Powell Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free

It was forecast to be 108 degrees but it was my my day to hike so I went anyway, knowing it would be a bit cooler at the elevation. I started my hike at 5:45am, should have been earlier but I just couldn't get up before 3:30am.
I parked across the street from the lot, after hearing people report that the ATB pass no longer works to park in the lot. I was the 4th car there, so nice and quite.

Bugs were terrible at the trailhead, but they got slightly better as i progressed up the trail. This trail is just as beautiful and strenuous as I remembered. I am working on my altitude acclimation, thankfully I only really started to feel it at 8,500′. I only passed one group (6 people) of hikers coming down and one trail runner passed me on the way up. So I had the place to myself. There was a cool enough breeze and enough shade to make it bearable.

Spent about 20 minutes at the peak, taking pictures and having lunch before I started down. I was much faster descending but I could feel that heat building the lower I got. About 2 miles from the end I noticed smoke from the Vista Fire had started picking up pretty strongly, it had been clear of smoke until then. With the smoke billows increasing I was glad I was almost done, and even more grateful that I hadn't attempted Cucamonga or Blady that day.

Overall it was a great hike. A reasonable 85 degrees at my car, which quickly increased to 108 as I drive down towards Pearblossom. TOO HOT. Glad I was in the mountains.


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