This hike was definitely challenging. I started off at 7 AM in the fog which was awesome but within a mile I was in full sun. Round-trip from the trailhead up to Peak was 14.2 miles with an elevation gain of 2800 feet. Definitely longer than what all trails had listed. I didn’t see any mountain bikers or hikers the whole day so I was hitting all of the cobwebs for the morning lol was very challenging at times with overgrowth and trying to dodge a lot of poison oak. The views up at Alan peak were gorgeous and when I returned back to Spooners Cove, I went straight into the ocean to cool off completes my six pack for central California and I completed

Hike Log
I’m in a web
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Minor obstacles posing few problems
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were not too bad
Snow free