Hike Log

Mount Elden Lookout–Look Out!


Mount Elden


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free


I am not a fan of this trail. To be fair, I don't like anything resembling a nonstop stair climb. Some people love kicking their own arse. I like a challenge so I don't get bored but I am just not good a this type of hike. Maybe because my reasons are different. It's hard to enjoy nature and also be proud of your accomplishments when you're dying.

I did research this trail with reviews and videos and I could already tell that I would take longer than most people so I made room for that. And then it took even longer. I do have to say that while “strenuous” is correct, it was not nearly as steep as I expected with the way it was described. I wasn't sure I would be able to do it and that I wouldn't need to rappel back down with the alarmist descriptions of the incline. The incline wasn't the problem for me–it was the damn step-climbing for hours.

The incline starts small but immediate. You gain the first 0.6 to 0.75 miles and think–hey, I am getting close fast. You would be wrong. You spend the next 2 miles wondering why you aren't getting any closer. It is almost entirely made of up of either rock-like stairs, small scrambles or a multitude of random large rocks just put in the way by nature to see how many times you're willing to hold your knees up high. Then you have to do it again on the way down with a bunch of scree to test your balance on top of everything else.

The majority of the “view” is of the industrialized side of Flagstaff. Pretty cool to see the transition to Aspen trees. Unfortunately, a bunch of losers have inscribed their names on just about every single one they could reach from the trail. While there was enough spotty shade on the way up in the morning, not so much on the way down. Obviously, the lookout tower is there for a reason, but there are only maybe one or 2 places to sit down at the top and also not much shade either so no point in staying too long and enjoying your accomplishment. The tower was locked up tight when I was there. I stayed long enough to have a quick snack and take a couple pics before realizing the ranger was up top checking things out with binoculars. There was rain forecasted, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was watching for lightning.

It wasn't the worst trail I've been on for nature/views, but also not the best. I have no interest in doing it again. If I'm going to work that hard, it needs to be worth it. I couldn't wait to be done.


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