Hike Log

Mount Tam


Stinson Beach Trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

Started the hike early at around 8AM. There was 4 of us today, Robin and Maya decided to tag along as well as the usual Kevin.

Weather was so misty/foggy that dew drops from the trees was falling onto us as we were hiking up. Was pretty miserable until we hit Pantoll campground where the sun started to show. Got really hot during this time because there was little shade as your near the summit.

Kevin got really unlucky this trip on the way up the summit. He accidentally dropped his new phone and broke it where it wasn't usable anymore. He just got it 2 days before this trip. Moral of the story, don't look at your phone when hiking up a trail.

On the way down, we went towards Dipsea Trail to see the infamous ladder everyone takes picture of. It's just a ladder, nothing special.

Overall this hike is pretty decent and fun. Hardest part is during the first 3 miles with steep incline, afterwards the hike is flat with little to no incline. The trail is pretty popular and well maintained. There's a lot of checkpoints/restrooms along the way where you can drive to, like the campground or the summit. Would recommend it for everyone who knows they can handle a 15 mile hike.




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