Hike Log

Mount Wilson featuring rockfall!


Old Mount Wilson trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

My biggest hike yet! A group of 5 set off at 7am, and summited at 12:30. Had packed lunch at the closed cosmic cafe, then headed down at about 1:30. We arrived back in Sierra madre at 5:30 just in time for a beautiful sunset.

We lucked out with perfect weather, clear sky's and expansive views. Despite questioning whether I would be able to do such a long hike, I finished with minimal discomfort. Thanks to my new hiking poles, well worn shoes, tasty snacks and a great group!

Was not a fan of the section towards to end with active rock fall, we saw one just feet behind us, didn’t feel very safe but got through quickly.


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