Hike Log

Mt Baldy


Mankar Flats Trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free



Did the the loop taking Baldy Bowl Trail up and Devil's Backbone Trail down. If doing the loop, I recommend going clockwise to avoid the steep descent through scree on the Baldy Bowl trail.  Lots of people at the trailhead in the morning, parking filled up quickly when around 645am. Bring your own TP for the toilet at the trailhead! The winds were strong for the initial descent down Devil's Backbone Trail and is really exposed for the entire descent. I still had water, but filled up at the lodge at Baldy Notch, since it was scorching hot. The bathrooms were open at the lodge too, so that was a nice pit stop and break from the sun.


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