Hike Log

Mt Diablo: The Destroyer of Knees.


Mitchell Canyon Staging Area

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

Captain's Log. Hike 3

A nice ranger gave us a paper map at the start of the hike. This turned out to be very useful, since we missed the turn off to do the loop and ended up doing it backwards. This was fine on the way up, where the most challenging part was dodging the swarms of grasshoppers jumping at us from the trail. Making it to the top, we were reward with excellent views and ice cream from the visitor's center. The descent was where we learned the folly of our earlier mistake. It was beyond steep, felt eternal, and sent our knees to an early grave. Learn from our mistakes and bring poles for this one.


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