- I hiked Mt Tam with 2 coworkers and it was a perfect day! The temperature was just right and it was sunny with a few clouds in the sky. We started at the Pantoll parking area and quickly ascended, hitting the switchbacks pretty quickly. There were wildflowers blooming everywhere! Some Borrage, Lupine, phlox, among others. It was a pretty easy hike, as the trail remains at a gentle grade for the entire hike. There's one spot where a tree has fallen so you have to duck pretty low to get by. Snapped some photos at the lookout tower and got to see 3 turkey vultures sunning themselves nearby. Lots of ravens and crows were around too. Beautiful views of the bay and you can even see golden gate peeking out. Ended the hike by driving down to Stinson Beach and grabbing a burrito and beer. Overall, a great, easy start to my 6 pack of peaks!!!

Hike Log
Mt Tam and a burrito at Stinson Beach
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Obstacles on trail
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Snow free