Hike Log

My final and hardest peak of the Challenge


Vivian Creek

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

Hardest thing I've ever done and I used to produce a former Real Housewife's podcast! This took me 2 attempts to fully finish, the first I started too late and the altitude got to me. The second I started much earlier, but the altitude still smacked me around. I'm not the fastest hiker so this took me over 12 hours to do. But for a guy with a bad back and two bad knees that's still pretty good. I was on the trail by 6:45 AM but wasn't back to my car until 8:15 PM. Granted I brought a headlamp with me but still that hike after dark was gnarly.  This distance and elevation should me set up pretty good for Oct. 12th when I'll try and hike Mt. Whitney.  Well I'm for sure hiking Mt. Whitney but we'll se if I make the summit. San Gorgonio is no joke and I'm so glad I saved it for my final peak of the challenge.


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