Oh Humphreys My Humphreys,
The Altitude has Won
A summit like no other
And the challenge sought is done.
What a wild and strenuous climb this is. We arrived the evening before an early start to the hike to attempt to acclimate to the altitude, but still faced quite a challenge for the lungs. The first 4 miles or so of the hike is a steady incline through gorgeous forest and winding walkways. Once at the saddle, the split personality of this hike rears her scary head. Above the tree line is like another world. One can easily imagine dinosaurs roaming this desolate terrain. The last couple miles are exposed and strenuous. At the highest altitude it was a struggle to keep a steady pace. Lots of breaks are recommended. Wind blocks are provided at the summit so you can catch your breath before the descent. Though an amazing experience, this one really took it out of me. 50+ hours later and the calves are still sore to the touch. Happy hiking!
I’m saving this one for last!!! Dr said no strenuous hiking till October
.. thank you for sharing your experience.