Hike Log

Peak 2 of the 6 pack!




Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were terrible


Snow free


On the trail at 6:00 am due to hot day ahead. Shady and fun and beautiful until the first uphill. It got warmer as the day went  and got up to 90 degrees by 10:30 am.  Thankfully that’s when we got back. Be careful with your dogs on this trail in the heat. We saw a dog that was having a very hard time and he and his owner had to keep pulling over to the side so that he could rest because he was breathing so heavy.  The bugs, the bees and the flying fire ants were completely out of control. You get used to them but you have to be careful because the fire ants will bite you. I had one bite me on the ear and it’s five hours later and it still stings.  Overall the trail was beautiful with a little scramble at the top. I would recommend getting on the straw at 5 AM in order to avoid most of the flying ants. On the hard scale from 1 to 10 I would give this a six overall. Be safe and good luck out there.


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  1. Wow looks like an awesome hike Cori. I have this one on my list but didnt know there would be so much bugs. Sounds annoying for sure ! Whats next on your list?

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