I initially ran up Valencia Peak with a couple friends. After summiting Valencia, we parted ways And I made my way over to Oats Peak and eventually Alan Peak. The whole trail was involved pretty gradual elevation gain with very few steep pitches. The trail was pretty well maintained all the way up to Oats Peak, but once I got past Oats, the trail became notably overgrown. There was also quite a bit of poison oak on the way towards Alan, so I would suggest pants for anyone deciding to make the whole trek past Oats to Alan. Weather-wise, I did this early in the morning, so the weather was nice and cool. It was considerably cooler in the Valencia area, but more inland towards Oats and Valencia the heat was a little higher.

Hike Log
Poison Oaky and Ticky
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Minor obstacles posing few problems
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were not too bad
Snow free
I’m doing this one in a few weeks so thanks for the heads up about the poison oak and ticks