Hike Log

Rescued lost hiker Search & Rescue was on the way.


Maker Flat

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Intermittent snow – not hard to cross

Rescued a young man that had that had started a day hike the afternoon before. Hiker got lost tried to follow creek in darkness. Ended up getting stuck in precarious ravine difficult to go up or down. Lost hiker had spent night stuck in bad spot. Search and rescue was mobilizing and on the way. We got him out and back to safety before S&R arrived.


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    1. One month, two peaks two rescues.
      June was a busy month for that.
      San Gorgonio 6/4/23
      Late afternoon I thought no one else was around, felt like I was the last person coming off the mountain.
      At the last of the snow, stopped to take off my crampons.
      Heard man yelling for help.
      He had lost his friend.
      I called 911, they put me on with Sherriff search and rescue.
      They take it very seriously and immediately.
      Helicopter circling overhead. Patrol vehicles with lights flashing searching parking areas, campsites and trailheads.
      But it was my hiking partner that found the lost hiker.

      6/25/23 Baldy
      Saw two Sherriff vehicles parked at the Manker Flat trailhead when
      we started 5:20am.

      Just a mile or so up thought we heard someone yelling for help.

      Walked passed the two Sherriff deputies just standing in the road.

      At a hairpin corner where there’s a viewpoint for San Antonio Falls spoke with a man & woman that had spotted the guy. I couldn’t see him?

      I walked back down about 100 feet to where the deputies were standing.

      Deputies said search and rescue are on the way but takes time to mobilize, not expected to arrive for several hours.

      The man & woman that had spotted him had been standing vigil since 4:am and they had relived a woman that spotted him about 2:am.
      They thought there was a woman with him also.

      Eventually, I was able to spot him looked like just over a half mile or so up the steep river gorge.

      Other hikers could also hear him yelling for help, would momentarily pause, and then just go about their merry way on their hikes.

      It didn’t sit well with me and my son Gino just leaving a guy that was in some sort of distress.

      We sized it up and yes very steep off-trail but looked doable.

      Figured we could get at least close enough to him to let him know he could stop yelling, that search & rescue was on the way.

      It only took us about 20 minutes of working our way up to get to him.
      Turns out he was solo.

      He got himself in a spot where to go either up or down was of concern.

      Wasn’t really all that difficult he was just too fatigued physically & mentally.

      He was such a rookie, he has never really done any hiking.

      He stepped away from his vehicle 4:pm the day before, got lost, and thought following the stream down would be the plan.

      A month earlier could of been a hypothermia situation.

      Of course, he had told no one where he was going and didn’t have a headlight.

      He traveled through the night as much as he could with cell phone light.
      Cell phones have no reception in this area.

      He did have a laptop with him, kinda a big one?

      He was from a very flat area of Kansas. Of course, I was quick to tell him “You’re not in Kansas anymore Toto”.

      We were able to get him out of the spot he was in, just by showing him, by doing it ourselves and encouraging him.

      Walked him down the mountainside and introduced him to the couple that had given up on their hiking plans for the day to keep a watchful eye on him.

      LA’s finest, the Sherriff deputies that were zero help approached and wanted his name and info. We thought they were going to give him a citation or something, at least they didn’t do that.

      Photo: Milderd & Roman, couple that kept lost guy spotted.
      Yaseen, the lost guy from Kansas.
      Gino and myself.

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