Hike Log

San Bernardino Peak – Forsee Creek Loop


Forsee Creek

Trail Conditions:




We started late, 7:30, and took longer than expected, but still it was a great hike. None of us had taken this route before and for the most part it was a treat. There were signs of the Lake Fire, but fewer than I expected. We powered up to Trail Fork Springs with no problem, but lost the trail in the snow there. We went straight up through the snow to Anderson 10,864′, the first time for all of us. Why San Bernardino is a destination and not Anderson I don't know, it's higher than San Bernardino. The summit is larger but the view is not as nice.

From there we headed down and eventually found the trail and headed to San Bernardino East 10,691′ and San Bernardino 10,649′. Both are lower than Anderson, but we ended up having to climb each anyway.

From San Bernardino we headed down to Limber Pine and Columbine and then the long way down the John's Meadows Trail. I'm slow so we ran out of daylight before the junction with the Forsee Creek Trail, but we got back to the vehicles eventually.

There was more snow than expected, but the day couldn't have been better. Clear, warm and sunshine.

We got down late and the A&W in Mentone was closed, but thankfully the Denny's in Redlands was able to provide the traditional post hike root beer float.

It was a great hike and I'll be back to tag Shields and Alta Diablo. Who knows? Maybe San G from this side some day.


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