Hike Log

San Bernardino Peak Summit


Angelus Oaks

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Intermittent snow – not hard to cross



This is a beautiful hike! Sweeping views of the nearby mountains never get old on this hike. Saw some deer, and plethora of little lizards. I had the trail pretty much all to myself the entire time with the exception of the lizards, and it was great! No headphones or music in my ears, only the sweet symphony of nature.


The short drive from the fire station to the trailhead can be sketchy for a low clearance vehicle, but my Chrysler 200 made it haha  There were only a few other vehicles in the parking lot when I arrived shortly after 0630, as well as when I left around 4:30 pm, and judging by the amount of people (or lack thereof) who I encountered on the trail, parking shouldn't be an issue during the weekday.

Took my time getting to the top so I would be sure to enjoy the scenic serenity of a solo hike on a very low traffic day. The trail is very well maintained and well marked UNTIL the summit, where I initially missed the turn off to head up to the peak, and instead hiked to East Peak. There was snow covering the portion of the trail that leads up to the peak, but with I was able to retrace my steps and easily identify the turn-off trail with my GPS.


Solo hikes, when you have the trail completely to yourself, is AMAZING! Feels great and is extremely liberating.


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