Hike Log

San Jacinto, Sans-Carbs


Marion Mountain

Trail Conditions:




Don’t be dumb like me, make sure you consume plenty of carbohydrates before and during your hike to the top of San Jacinto Peak!

Hey, I’m all for a ketogenic diet, but if you practice this sort of diet like me, it’s probably best to take a day off when engaging in this type of all-day strenuous workout. I’ve done this for most, if not all of my hiking this season, but I just felt like being super strict on this particular day. That was dumb! And this was after coming off a 4 week break from my injury at the top of San Bernardino Peak. Sure, my foot was ready for 13 miles, but not my endurance levels.

This is a real good climb, so carb-it-up or you’re going to die. Figuratively speaking of course. The trail is easy enough to follow, as well as dusty and rocky like most of the trails in So-Cal. There was no ice that I remember seeing, but it was chilly most of the day for me, in the forties, but sunny and clear once you were past the clouds.

I’ve never hiked San Jacinto, so I can’t comment on the tram side trail (whatever it’s called), but I get the sense that the Marion Mountain trail is less congested. The peak was pretty crowded by the time I got there and I know I didn’t have that many people pass me on the way to the top.

The little nook I found at the top was hands down, the most comfortable seat I’ve ever discovered at the top of a peak. I could have fallen asleep there for hours. I nearly did.

This was a lot of fun and a great challenge. There will be a re-do of this trail with my buddies, but next time I’m going to be eating cake and cookies and granola bars and I’m going to wash it all down with some Snickers bars. It’s good if we learn from our mistakes.


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