Hiked the 3-2-1: 3 peaks, 2 counties, 1 day. Hit Mount Pinos, Sawmill Mountain, and Grouse Mountain, then got curious and hiked out to Cerro Noroeste before turning around and heading back to the Nordic Base. The trail is pretty straightforward, there's basically a trail walking from the Nordic Base parking lot to Cerro Noroeste, with diverts along the way to the various peaks (and also to Sheep Camp, which is pretty neat to check out too). Did camp the night before at Chula Vista Campground–less than a quarter mile from the trailhead–to get an early start.

Hike Log
Sawmill Mountain and the 3-2-1
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Intermittent snow – not hard to cross