Hike Log

Sitton Peak Marathon Loop Fail


Morgan Trail Head


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free


The goal was a 28-mile loop to include Sitton Peak.
Left Morgan TH at 6:00am heading West. Took Tenaja Falls trail at the Junction heading South. Past the falls and continued to Fisherman’s Camp.

Taja Falls Trail was great, mostly downhill and was trekking ~20 min miles for the first 10 miles. At the base, the trail followed San Mateo Creek and made several trail crossings and a few were difficult. Lots of poison oak and one 30 section of overgrown chest high stinging nettle to wade thru.

Made it to Fisherman’s Camp at mile 12 and headed North North West up Bluewater Trail. This was the most difficult part of the day. The trail was over grown & hidden with several creek crossings and was really just a one-mile bushwack; relied on Gaia the whole way to make it thru. Then it was a 1500′ climb in two miles which took a couple hours.

Exhausted at the top but rewarded walking through a huge open meadow of tall field grass with the now Oak Flats trail trekking though the center of the meadow on a slightly downhill course heading North.

At mile 17 Oak Flats Trail T-bones Verdugo Trail which i took heading North North East up and over a few more ridges.

At mile 19 Verdugo Trail hit Four Corners where I took Bear Canyon Trail heading North North East. The trial was mostly shaded here following the stream, but that came with lots of bugs which were pretty annoying.

Made it to Sitton Peak Trail junction with Bear Canyon at mile 20, but my legs were spent and it was already 5:00 with another 6 miles to the truck, so I passed on the 3.5-mile round trip up to the summit this time. 🙁

At mile 22 I reached the Morgan Trail Junction at Bear Canyon Trail and took Morgan heading East back to the truck.
Made it back to the truck 12:37 hours / 11:00 hours moving – 26 miles – 61k Steps

Will try another attempt with altered rout not including Bluewater Creek.


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