Worried all week about this first Peak. I’ve been training shorter day hikes for month, but never 2100’ elevation! Some days 3 miles and 300’ elevation seemed like 3000’!
Hiking with friends was a moral booster, while it kept me challenged and motivated. (Not to mention distracted.)
We were feeling pretty good. Nothing we haven’t handled on more trail. Even felt a bit sassy because some of our training hikes had been more difficult….until that last stretch! It isn’t that we weren’t warned, but really? It was tough, but we were determined. Trekking poles are a Must! These shaky knees of mine appreciate the additional support and stability.
Weather was perfect 60’s and slight breeze until you get to the peak. Be sure you have a good jacket and cap. It will blow right through you! Travel time was 7 hours. (Yeah, I’m slooow)
Summiting was sweet. A welcome rest with amazing views. What is that on the horizon? A 180 degree view of the ocean! Recent rains have colored the hills a palette of velvety greens.
Its the next morning and I’m enjoying a slow start, thinking about going out again today to stretch the sore muscles and let them know I mean business!