Hike Log

Sizer – The OMG hike


Visitor Center

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free



Many people consider Mt Sizer hike the most difficult hike of bay area. After finishing this hike, I realized I am one of them.
Sizer is indeed the toughest of Bay Areas hikes I have done. It has the steepest of both up-hills and downhills.
I had run into few hikers that have said the same, Sizer is the toughest they had done so far. Then why do we
hit these trails and subject ourselves to the discomfort? Read on to know.

I started Sizer hike on a Saturday morning at 7am with a friend. We chose that day as the temps are low, could not ask
for a better day to do Sizer. There was a downhill, stream crossing followed by steep and long uphill before the summit.
From there, we started descending. Sizer was full of blooms, it was a gorgeous sighting. Long section of trail was not even like a trail,
we had to navigate thru overgrown bushes. Got lost a few times, spotted snakes on the way. Eventually we reached the bottom.

There's a steep uphill remaining before the visitor center. We saw 4 men backpacking there and spoke to them about the remaining
trail. They suggested we go back and take an alternate route to the visitor center as the trail up from there was a bit tricky.
They even offered us filtered water so we can finish our remaining hike comfortably. My friend filled her bottle as she was running low.

This is the reason we go hiking, to meet people that help others without any expectations back and to hear their stories.
We followed their suggestion and finished the trail.

It is indeed the toughest but I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges it presented. You will definitely say the phrase “Oh My God” at some
point during this hike. I know I have said it many many times 🙂


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  1. Wow! Amazing, daunting n an incredible challenge to conquer. Almost a GC in our backyard and your write up made it so enthralling .. kudos to you for not only doing it but conquering another OMG moment !!!

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