The last summit! Our group had originally planned to do the hike in the summer, but the temperatures kept rising and we knew it would be a miserable slog. Therefore, we postponed it and, before we knew it, we were coming into the last month to get the summits done and just needed to pick a date. Little did we know that snow would come to the summit the night before our hike and that it would make for the most spectacular, winter wonderland hike. On top of the mountain, we walked under snow-covered branches with fresh, untouched snow all around and beneath us. Yet, we looked into a valley that was lusciously green. I don't think we could have picked a better day for a hike — wanted to stop and take a picture every 100 feet! And, the summit – although windy and cold – was spectacular with virtually 360 degree views. Had not been looking forward to this hike – thinking it was just a hike to cross off the list – but turned out to be the absolute favorite because of the snow.

Hike Log
Snow in Sonoma
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Intermittent snow – not hard to cross
Oops – hike was Dec 14. Can’t see a way to edit.
And Calistoga entry to Sonoma but in Napa . . . deleted post and started again – after getting a second cup of coffee!