Hike Log

Snowy Volcan


Volcan Mountain Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Snow and ice on road


No bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended

It was the beginning of January, everything closer to the top was snowy in the mountains in Julian. It wasn't snowing when I was there with my dog. The trail was kind of muddy walking up and then there were shaded parts where the beautiful tall trees were covering and there were several strips and patches of snow. Actually, it was the first time my dog had ever seen snow. He is a short Jack Russell so running through inches of snow (on the trail) and 1+ ft (on the side of the trail) was super cute- like kangaroo hops. He was pretty happy. Some people were wearing spikes on their shoes for ice patches, and also others had snow shoes.  I didn't use it. My hiking boots were fine and I was pretty careful. Beautiful walk through the forest and then also beautiful field at the top with snow and a gorgeous view. Think I saw a bobcat print. Loved this one.


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