Hike Log

SoCal Six Pack 2023 Edition – Mt. Wilson – A fresh start after a failed 2022 attempt


Mount Wilson Trail Park

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free



Re-started my attempt the the SoCal Six pack after hitting the early snow in 2022. Goal this year again was six months only solo hikes. Not a great start to my 2023 attempt, had a really poor night sleep and my stomach was aching all morning. Got to the trailhead at 8am, later than normal for me. Kept to my normal routine of a protein smoothie and green tea on the drive to the hike. Started the long slog up knowing that I wasn't stopping until the top, Mt. Wilson is not a favorite of mine. I usually only need to eat a few packs of gummies for the low elevation hikes to keep going. After about 1.5 hours of hiking my stomach pains finally resolved, so I was able to continue hiking comfortably for 3hr hike to the “summit” parking lot. Took some pictures and ate my snacks after finding a some rocks off the main trail with a decent view. A mix of down hiking and trail running got me back to the trail head quickly at 5h19m total moving time. Felt great re-starting the challenge and I was hopeful for successful 2023.


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