Hike Log

Solo Mission up the Bowl


Baldy Bowl

Trail Conditions:




Incredible! There was a lot of snow after the rain. I'd done Baldy once before by myself, but luckily met up by accident with the wonderful Greg Glass who showed me the way. We did the trail up to the summit. This time, I stood at the Bowl for 20 minutes or so and watched everyone going that way. Since I was solo, I had two choices- wander into the trees by myself or follow everyone else. Snow was pretty thick and I wasn't sure about the trail conditions, so I followed a group of about 15 hikers up the Bowl instead. It took forever haha. I had an ice axe, but definitely could have used some crampons to help get up faster. I took my time planting each foot and slowly worked my way up. Felt like Thor there at the end slamming my axe and feet into the steepest part and finishing at the top with my new buddies who gave me many smiles and high fives. An unforgettable experience!


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