Hike Log

Started with the highest to complete my first 14er


North Mount Elbert Trailhead Parking Lot


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free


6-21-23 Trail was mostly dry but for a few small patches of snow near the top. This trail is very rocky which was a bigger problem for me coming down than going up, very slippery on lose dusty gravel. I used poles which helped a lot. The north trail is a harder than the south trail based on the people I talked to that had done both approaches. I had to turn off my phone once I got to the top of the trial, AllTrails drains my phone so fast, even in airplane mode. There were a lot of people on the trail which made it even more fun and a big help to me. I was ready to throw in the towel a few times but fellow hikers kept encouraging me. Thanks to all! Also, a shout out to the trail workers from the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative working to improve the trails and protect the wildlife along the trial. Just donated to their cause. Overall, a beautiful day with perfect weather and views!


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