Hike Log

Strawberry Peak


Red Box Trailhead


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Snow and ice on road


No bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended


This hike was definitely as advertised. Easy/ moderate that accelerates to hard AF for the last 1.5 miles but so worth it. What they didn't tell you was that you don't have to go up the steep ass hill when you come to the fork in the trail. You get to coast alongside the mountain and wave at the suckers who decided to climb to Everest that day. Don't be a hero, veer left and continue on your merry way. The false peaks are definitely a thing. there are about 5 before you actually hit the top and one of the false peaks is just unreal. someone needs to level that shit out/ create steps ASAP. Poles would have been helpful going down but are worthless going up. The scrambling was the only reason I endured the whole because I truly feel like I'm exploring and having fun. All and all, cool hike, beautiful snow, buying dog tomorrow. #strawberrypeaksforever


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