Hike Log

Strawberry Peak was Not So Sweet


Redbox Canyone

Trail Conditions:




Beautiful Sunday morning, we started at 6:30 A.M. due to a long drive. We shared the trail with a large group of trail runners from “Fleet Feet” Burbank, very friendly group. We then ascended to strawberry peak and with a mile or less Togo, we ran into a hornets nets. I was lucky to only get stung on the butt, but my friend was stung in the face and arm. We ran up the trail and got away from those evil little jerks. As we continue to ascend, a rattlesnake was on the trail and within one foot away from us. We stopped, it rattled and then slithered into the bush. We started to question if we should head back down and call it a day. We were both in pain from the hornets stings but I was 4/6 peaks in and I need this peak and too determined to turn back. So we continued to ascend to the peak, we got our photos and headed back down in fear of those hornets waiting to get us again! But luckily they were no where in sight and we were able to ascend without another sting.


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