Hike Log

Sunday Funday on Cucamonga


Ice House Canyon


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


Ice House Canyon. I have such a love/hate relationship with this trail. It was one of the trails I first did a longer (10+ mile) hike on, the first Original Six Pack I did was Cucamonga, and the trail itself is beautiful. However, when hiking down it, the stretch from the 2 mile marker to just beyond the Wilderness sign is rough. If your feet and knees aren't sore yet, they will be after you navigate the loose gravel and large rocks of this section.

With that said it was another perfect day for a hike. The morning was cool, but not cold which made for a pleasant climb up. The trail is a popular one and while I never really felt quite alone on the trail, it never felt crowded either. Ice House saddle, the trail to Cucamonga, and the peak itself were free of wind, which is always a bonus. The views of Baldy and the other high peaks are always great, and even with a layer of smog/fog over the city the views are still great and worth the effort up.

Hiking down I would periodically encounter a person or group who would inquire how close they were to the summit. This process would repeat after I passed the saddle for the hikers who were making their way to the saddle. Good to see hikers going to the summit or to the saddle for the first time.

4 down 2 to go!




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