Hike Log

Sunrise start!


Milk Ranch Road

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free


Woke up very early to hit the trail before the heat became too much. I pulled into a very full parking lot. It appears that some trail run is happening here today. As I set off along Milk Ranch Road, various junctions were flagged for the runners. I cruised up the mountain. As I neared the junction with the service road, a pair of race photographers had set up to capture the runners, which I had yet to encounter. At the junction, I got some more details on the routes they were taking. Making my way up the service road, I finally started to have runners pass me. Nearing the summit, I could hear the clanging of cowbells and the cheers of encouragement. The end of the service road was set up for their turnaround, stocked with water, fuel, and other items. I gave the volunteers a wave and climbed onto the actual summit. I enjoyed the views while munching on some snacks. After a bit, I headed back down, following my standard route of returning via the fire road past the spring. I finally meet two pairs of hikers making their ascent. Once back at the car, the day had already warmed up to about 84!


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