Hike Log



Henry Coe ranger station / Monument Trail


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


The 2nd largest state park in California – whoa!  What a hidden gem.   Other than the extremely nice and helpful rangers I chatted with before heading out, I only saw one person (biker) for the entire loop.  The rangers made some helpful suggestions on single track deviations from the All Trails route which was almost entirely fire road.  Winter rains also had the creeks flowing though only one crossing, at Poverty Flats, required me to take shows off and cross in ankle deep water.

I cant imagine weather being anymore perfect for this hike.  Low 50's , sun and clear blue skies start to finish.  It is extremely exposed pretty much the entire time so hiking this in summer /fall would be very difficult.  Despite recent rains, trail and fire road conditions were excellent.  Minimal mud and no dust – pretty much ideal.

I did the loop counter clockwise which seems to be the preferred route.  You are basically descending into a huge valley, going up the other side, heading for along stretch east along the ridge (killer views of the Sierra's!), then descending to the floor again and back up the other side.  The single track deviations I was glad I chose were around Frog Lake, then Jackass down off Blue Ridge and Cougar/Forest Trail/Corral back to car.  All trails clear and in good condition.

Having heard “the Shortcut” was the steepest trail in the Bay Area, I was intrigued.    Mt Tam is my backyard go-to.  The trail I take to the East Peak – I call it “the spine” but technically it's Indian Fire Trail (East Peak Fire Trail almost as steep) – gets to a 53 degree slope in one section.  Its about 1/1.2 miles of VERY steep up (around 1200′ gain).  The Shortcut was equally as steep in many sections only longer…maybe 1.75 miles and I think over 2,000 feet of elevation gain.  Needless to say, its a great workout.  The final ascent at the end, up Cougar, is also a good test and while shorter, it does present itself after 13 miles already under foot.  4400′ of elevation gain total – to say nothing of the downhill – is a stout test for anyone.  I was hoping to break 5 hours on the loop but came in at 5h 18m moving time (snack at Mt Sizer peak which is not so much a peak FYI).

Lots of wildlife along the way – plenty of black tail deer, birds (multiple Red Tail Hawks, woodpeckers and quail, among others) and incredible expansive views.  I love the solitude and the views of the Sierras were super cool.  FYI – I only drank about 2L of water but again, temps were perfect – single layer top the whole time and not too warm or cold.  Warmer temps and I would recommend 2x that.  Felt great after hike and next day.  For some reason Diablo has been most taxing on me so far…but I still have Rose to go!!!




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