Hike Log

Sweet, Sweet Strawberry Peak


Strawberry Peak

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022

Weather: Hot/Sunny!

Parking: Park at Red Box Canyon Trail. Pass required. A couple parking spots left when we arrived around 9AM. Restrooms available at parking lot. Hand sanitizer provided when we went.

To get to the trail, you will need to cross the road from parking lot. There will be a sign at the start of the trail. Bring AT LEAST 2.5-3L of water or more on a hot/sunny day. I brought my 2L hydro reservoir and had to refill it with my 32 fl oz nalgene heading back down.

The first two miles were easy and mostly flat. You will reach a part where the trail splits and on your left you see an easy trail and the right you are faced with a monstrous steep incline. Do not take either. To the left of said monstrous incline, is a skinny path that will take you around that steep hill. Refer to HikingGuy.Com’s guide on YouTube. Also, download the AllTrails maps and use the navigation feature to stay on track.

After that trail, you’ll eventually descend down a steeper hill (recommend taking the trekking poles out here). The path becomes very narrow with bushes. Beware of rattlesnakes. We heard one in the bushes and other hikers coming down warned us. Do not try to jump over rattlesnakes or make loud noises. Just wait until they’re off the path. There is another part before you start ascending to the peak that is very rocky/sandy and the path becomes a bit unclear, but just safely go up and use trekking poles or hands to help assist you. You will have to step up onto some high rocks.

The peak looks so close but it’s still a little farther than you think. Haha. Hardly any shade at the top. Folks left some cool signs to take photos with as well as notebooks to sign. Others brought strawberries with them and enjoyed them at the top. Going back down was way easier even at the rocky parts. Be sure to wear hiking boots or boots with good grip cause some parts are grainy and slippery.

Overall, this was a pretty fun hike. It had a lot of variety with mostly starting flat and then descending/ascending with great views.


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