Hike Log

The Battle on Bernadino


Angelus Oaks

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Obstacles on trail


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended

#12.. #12..

Youll be remembered. Attempted it for the 1st time on Monday. It had laid fresh powder the night before and (while beautiful) made it out of reach 1.1 miles from the summit.

Attempt #2!

5 days later, zero snow until 6.8 miles in. Basically clear till 100 yards past limber pines. We had a beautiful hike up. Ran into boyscouts and other day hikers (that were not attempting summit). This is probably my favorite trail out of all 12. Then… you get past limber pines and the axe and spikes came out. Digging out steps through the ice on a very steep hillside due to a nonexistant trail, we continued. Onward and upward! Making it to the ridge felt rewarding, more so because we got hailed on for 20ish minutes. Made our way up the ridge towards summit, which wasnt easy by any means but was alot easier than getting to the ridge!! Summit was rewarding! Cloudy up top but cleared up enough to enjoy the Mt. Range around us with a much deserved lunch.

Coming down was some intentional and unintentionally glissading till getting back close to limber pines. Then the rest was a walk in the park.


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