Hike Log

The hike that wouldn’t end


Icehouse Canyon

Trail Conditions:




The trail and weather were great,. Unfortunately, my body wasn't.

On the way towards the summit I saw some amazing sights and took some nice photos. Had a nice trail lunch and proceeded towards the peak. While the National Parks Services do a great job of maintaining the trails, they call it the wilderness for a reason.

About 1/4 mile from the summit I twisted my left foot. The foot that already has a severed tendon. And while I had taped it and have great shoes, the toe still dislocated (hopefully not broken). Disaster, but I was not letting this mountain get the better of me. So I kept climbing. They pain was bad, but not so much so that I thought it should stop me (no common sense, some would say). Just below the summit I got sick (they are probably right). Maybe it was the pain, maybe a touch of altitude sickness. I still finished that climb… and then started thinking about the 5.9 miles back to the car… over very tough terrain. Fortunately an amazing couple had summitted ahead of me and noticing my distress decided to take the snails pace hike back with me. 4 hours later we finally reach the cars. And unfortunately I will be unable to complete the 6 peaks because that requires actually being able to walk, and I leave SoCal in three weeks. So bummed, but good luck to everyone!


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