Thankfully we took the tramway to save us some time and energy to hike it to the summit instead of hiking from the bottom via Cactus to Cloud. No way I go could of done it the next day if the tramway never existed. We had some company to bring with so they can help us motivate and push us. The conditions were bad but not bad enough not to hike it. It was gloomy,cold, and 30 mph winds. We kept taking a lot of small breaks because we were exhausted from the previous hikes but we didn't stay long enough for our breaks because of how cold it was. Once we made it the summit we didn't stay much longer. Took our summit picture and got straight down to the rescue hut. By far the coldest hike of six peak challenge.

Hike Log
The SUFFER FEST continues. Day 3
Type of Hike:
Trail Conditions: