Hike Log

Two Hundred Thirty Days Later


Lake Poway, Mount Woodson Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

So, I completed the San Diego Six Pack of Peak back on January 8th. It only took another 230 days to complete the 7th (alternate) peak. Mount Woodson, aka. Potato Chip Rock (PCR).

We (Shannon, Nancy, Casey, and I) started of right around 6:30 am from Lake Poway. We had mild temps to start, but it quickly warmed up in the late morning. Probably in the low 80s on the descent.  There was too bad of a crowd at the iconic rock when we arrived there right around 8:30am. We did the obligatory summit photos and then head up to the actual summit to enjoy the east and south facing views. We finished our hike right around 10:40am. The trail was in great shape. No bugs to speak of. Lots of hikers coming up as we descended.

This was at least my 10th or 12th hike up to PCR. For some in the group, it was their first and hopefully not their last.



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