Hike Log

Weekend Peak Bagger


Vivian Creek

Type of Hike:

Multi-night backpack

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

What a fun weekend!  We started up Friday and made it to High Creek Camp where we settled in for the night.  Water flowing well!  There were some bugs but that is par for the course this time of year.  Saturday morning we headed up to the summit with much lighter packs and made it to the summit.  Headed back down for dinner, games, and a good night sleep.  Sunday morning we woke up early and hit the trail again back down to the trial head.  Saw a doe along the way down.  Lots of friendly people on the trail.  Great weather.  Park range at the top was very friendly and helpful.  Great weekend!


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