Easy access to hiking trails. Not far off I40, paved all the way to trail head. We started at 08:00. Went to to look out tower, had a snack came back down. Round trip took us 3 hour 19 minutes. Passed 2 groups going up and 5 groups on our way back down. The trail is easy to follow and well marked. Was pretty warm in the sun and nice and cool in the shade. You can feel the temperature cool down as you climb higher and higher. The over growth and ground coverage is very pretty and lush as you get closer to the top. Thre last part of the trail, a little over a half mile is on a forest road. We did have several side by sides drive by. Very nice views once you get on the forest road and at the top.

Hike Log
Williams day hike
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were not too bad
Snow free