Bear Mountain Hike Logs

Are you taking the New England Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge? Here you can see all the hikes logged in our challenge, with the most recent at the top. Click on a hike log to see all the details, more photos and leave comments for the challengers.

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Bear Mountain Mud & Fun

By sercrutch Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain TrailHiking CompanionsHiked with a groupRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusBugs were not too badSnow ConditionsSnow freeTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionHike was great, pretty warm day with a little humidity. Fairly mud during beginning of trail but dried out the higher we went. Lots of vert on the […] Read More →

Bear of a time

By Colleen Mcdonough Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUnder mountain trail headHiking CompanionsHiked with a groupRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusBugs were not too badSnow ConditionsSnow freeTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionAmazing hiking day!  Total mileage was 6.2 miles .  The weather was perfect !  Definitely a great way to celebrate a weekend without rain Read More →

Totally Bear~able

By Felicia Ann Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUnder Mountain TrailEncounteredWildflowers bloomingHiking CompanionsHiked with a groupRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusBugs were not too badSnow ConditionsSnow freeTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionGreat day! Weather was perfect not to hot,  cool at the summit with the breeze.  Tiny bit muddy, nothing unbearable, my shoes stayed dry! Little over  […] Read More →

Bear means Brrrr

By Brendan Scribner Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain trailheadRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionWe knew it was a forecast of rain and cool temperatures – when we left Vermont we were looking at 60-degree forecasts in our local area. As we started our […] Read More →


By Laura Prue Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain TrailEncounteredWildflowers bloomingRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusBugs were not too badSnow ConditionsSnow freeTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionTrails we're in good condition. No rain today, yay. Read More →

Mud and rain didn’t stop us!

By Gibby Booth Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain TrailHiking CompanionsHiked with a dogRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsSnow freeTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionIt had rained in the morning so the trail was wet and muddy, definitely glad to have had waterproof shoes! There was one section of the trail that was rocky and […] Read More →

Bear mountain w/ my best girl

By Alison Birdsey Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadunder mountainRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionLate spring hike – temps in the high 40s.  Some snow still on the ground, but spikes not needed. Users who liked this: Read More →

Bear Mountain

By Carly Trider Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUnder mountain trialRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsMinor obstacles posing few problemsThis hike was amazing.  My mom and I hiked together and it took about three hours for 6.5(ish) miles.  There were parts where we had to climb up […] Read More →

Waking the Bear

By Jessica LeClair Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain RoadHiking CompanionsHiked with a dogRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionStarted our hiking challenge in our native CT on Bear Mountain. It was a beautiful, 65-degree day, sunny and dry. Foliage isn't out yet, so it […] Read More →

1. Bear Mountain Summit 2019

By Beparenteau Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeOvernightTrailheadAppalachian TrailRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsTrail in good conditionApril 6th, 2019 I started my first peak of the Six Pack Of Peaks Challenge: New England! I hike from Salisbury, CT – CT 41 AT Overnight Parking up the Appalachian […] Read More →

Bear Mountain

By Allystewart Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUndermountain TrailRoad ConditionsRoad rough but passableBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsSnowfields to cross – could be difficultTrail ConditionsObstacles on trailStarted late, did well on Undermountain and Paradise Lane.  Relaxing.  Once on the AT on south side of mountain it was a glacier.  Took for a LONG time, some hand and knee […] Read More →

Bear Mountain

By kjansons44 Peak Summited2019 Bear MountainType of HikeDay hikeTrailheadUnder Mountain RoadHiking CompanionsHiked with a dog, Hiked with a groupRoad ConditionsRoad suitable for all vehiclesBug StatusNo bugsSnow ConditionsIntermittent snow – not hard to crossTrail ConditionsMinor obstacles posing few problemsStill has some ice and a lot of mud Users who liked this: Read More →

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