Are you taking the 2021 NorCal Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge? Here you can see all the hikes logged in our 2021 challenge, with the most recent at the top. If you want to view logged hikes for just one of the peaks, click the mountain name. Click on a hike log to see all the details, more photos and leave comments for the challengers.
Are you a Challenger? Log your hikes. Not registered yet? Sign-up here.
Ready to hike Mission Peak? Get our detailed trail guide.

Rucking Mission Peak
Decided to ruck Mission Peak with 60 lbs. Trail was wet and little muddy but passable. Weather was cloudy but once you get to higher

Misty Mission Peak
Mission Peak for #2 Got a very early start. The Stanford Ave parking lot is supposed to be closed until 6:30 am, but I found

Second Hike on Jan 1! Mission Peak!
Great hike…I give it 4/5 stars only because it was completely packed with people. Otherwise, smooth sailing and an incredible sunset. Was warm to begin

Mission Peak? More like Disneyland
Me and my best hiking buddy figured we'd start 2021 by knocking Mission Peak off the list. Apparently half the Bay Area had the same

Six Peak Challenge #1: Mission Peak
Mission Peak is busy on any day but this day it was like Disneyland! Way too many people. Contemplated not going through with it but