I hauled ass up the mountain, with exception of those last two grueling miles that I felt like I had stepped into a desert landscape with no reprieve from the sun. I have never considered turning around more than I did in that last hour. I hiked this solo and did everything I could to keep my mind focused on positive thoughts…I was my own cheerleader. I allowed myself more breaks in that last two miles than I did in the entirety of the ascent and took no breaks on the way down. The summit was busy and there were lots of comments on how others thought they weren't going to make it either. I really should've had a beer at the summit but rules.
I ran down old greyback – couldn't get off the mountain fast enough. Teared up when I could see the cars and cried a little when I wasn't getting to mine fast enough, its steep going down so no more running.
So happy I got it in though. Especially now since the fires :/