I don't know what it is about the Ontario Peak hike but it is so much rougher on my feet than any hike that I have done as part of the “Six Pack of Peaks” challenge. This was my second time reaching Ontario Peak (I also did the hike last October as my first “peak” hike) so I decided to also head to adjacent Bighorn Peak. Last fall's hike to Ontario Peak led me to upgrade my hiking shoes; however, the rocky Icehouse Canyon trail was still brutal on my feet. I see people walking swiftly down the Icehouse Canyon trail while I silently wonder if they have feet of steel. I don't even remember being this sore after the Cucamonga Peak hike.
Despite the rocky trail – and the heat later in the day – the views from Ontario Peak (and Bighorn Peak) made the hike worth it. The hike also wasn't as crowded as I had expected, even though it was a Sunday. I was surprised to see quite a few empty parking spaces as I pulled out of the lot around 2:30p. (I started at around 5:30a, going slow on the descent).