Hike Log



Thunderbolt trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

This has been on my list for a couple years, thanks to this challenge I did the 3+ hour drive from the Eastern NH to check this off. Originally planned to hike the Gould trail, but parking in the wrong area, I found the Thunderbolt first. Followed the ski skin track up and hiked the ski trail down. Let’s call this trip a scouting mission for this coming winter’s skin/ski trip. ⛷🏔😂

Overall the hike was enjoyable, no bugs to speak of, and near-perfect temperature. Not to many people, until the summit…but the auto road will do that. The Hotdog lunch was great! Rambled around towards the bottom seeing remnants of the old Greylock Glen ski area (lift towers, lights, new growth on old trail, which never opened) from the ‘70s.

But that Thunderbolt ski trail will be awesome to ski. I have skied a number of the old CCC ski trails in NH, this one looks to be the best.


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  1. That’s crazy to see the lift towers for a ski area that never opened. Do you know the story behind why it wasn’t opened?

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