Hike Log

Fremont Saddle UP!


Peralta Trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road rough but passable


No Bugs


Snow free

This was the first of the Six Pack hikes that I could bring my dog Blueberry (Mini Australian Shepherd, 30 LBS) on and I was excited because she loves to go on trails and get vertical.

Getting to the Peralta trailhead is an experience in itself as it is basically off-roading for what seems like six miles from the end of the highway/driveway till the trailhead. Parking is very limited and always packed, so I had to park further away to hike another ~1 mile back to the trailhead. You seriously need a car with clearance so be aware that the washouts/potholes will bottom you out and possibly cause damage.

I went mid-morning on Saturday and I expected it to be packed. It was and there were plenty of dogs along and on the trail, so if you bring your dog please make sure to have it poop BEFORE you even leave your house. Rangers are there at the trailhead and there are NO GARBAGE CANS. He saw me with a bag and said to take it with me, return to my car to drop it off, or get a fine. Also, since one runs into dogs a lot, please make sure to have control and are leashed, even if your dog is best like Blueberry. There are PLENTY of dogs who are VERY reactive, with owners who let you know as well. Blueberry is very NON-reactive to nearly all dogs, but even still she was wondering what was going on.

The ascent is gradual and the first section goes by the streams, which depending on the time of year will have a nice pool that people were wading in, as well as running waters spots that Blueberry got a nice drink. As you are going up the valley, you can't help but turn around and look back at where you came from. The hike is NOT difficult, nor do you even scramble at all. Since this was my third of the six peaks, and double the distance of Camelback and Piestewa, I kept asking descenders how much more is left.

Once you get to the Saddle (trust me, you will know when you get there), and see Weaver's Needle (can't miss it) you will never regret the length.

Pack a lunch/snacks, and just sit on your own rock and rest and relax. Don't talk, don't blast music, and don't rush it [this also means don't ruin it for others]. Enjoy.

p.s. Go around the east rim and walk to the tree. You'll understand what I mean when you see it.


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