Hike Log

Two for Tuesday – Ontario Peak


Ice House Canyon TH

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free

I arrived at Ice House Canyon Trailhead at 5:15 am and set out up the hill solo.
Filled up 4L at Columbine Spring and continued up Ice House Canyon Trailhead, arriving at Icehouse Saddle at 7:30 am.
I kept going on Cucamonga Peak trail and arrived at Cucamonga Peak at 10:00 am. I ate my Subway sandwich, took pictures, chatted with a couple of others, and then headed back down. I had planned to take a side trail at the bottom of the switchbacks and head up to Big Horn Peak, but it looked pretty steep, so I headed back to Ice House Saddle, arriving at noon.
I then took Ontario Peak Trail heading West and found another fairly active spring about ¼ mile from Ice House Saddle. I kept going thru Kelly Camp and uphill. I enjoyed this trail even though there were several false summits. I arrived at Ontario Peak at 2:00, took some pics, and headed back down, getting back to Ice House Saddle at 3:15, had a short break, and then continued down to the trailhead arriving at 5:15 pm.
Two Peaks / 17.5 miles / 46,000 steps



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