Ontario Peak
April 28th, 2019
3 take aways from this hike; and then some:
- Snow has melted drastically. I did this last month and it was nearly impossible, but now, even a dog (no ice axe, no crampons, no microspikes) summitted. Now this is not to say that there isn't parts that seem “sketchy”, I would highly recommend micro-spikes or at least ice axe, crampons is an overkill.
- Fault Summits 🙁 this was my first time, and once you make it to the last stretches, every false summit gets you, pretty drained. In total, my elevation gain was like 6500 ft after going up and down these false summits.
- Trail-head are starting to get packed, it's that time of the year where people use this trail more than just Ontario or Cucamonga, so definitely get here early. And another reason to get here early is because once it hits 10-11am, bugs start to come out and they can be an annoyance, better when they are “sleeping” haha.
Extra notes:
- 6 people summit today + a dog
- No snow all the way to the ice house saddle, very low snow up to Kelly Camp, a little diffcult above that, but once you get to the split between big horn and ontario, it's pretty smooth sailing.
- Starting to get hot. Sunscreen and definitely something for your EYES, goggles or sunglasses (protect them, just like your knee, they are just as important part of you).
Wow, that cleaned out quickly! Good to know, will do that soon!
Great report thank you for the heads up