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Homepage Forums Six-Pack of Peaks Challengeā„¢ Q&A Yesterday, on San Bernardino Peak Reply To: Yesterday, on San Bernardino Peak

  • Leigh T

    February 9, 2018 at 4:25 pm

    I haven’t hiked San B and San G since the new day hike quota restrictions have been limited. But I need clarification from those who have hiked it recently.
    From the SGWA website: ā€œEffective 9/1/17 Day Hikes will not be limited to a quota. All Day Hikes have become available for each date in the calendar. If you were previously denied for a Day Hike, you can resubmit your request to get approval. Self Issue forms will also be available for all open trails.ā€

    My question is: are those self issue forms actually available at the trailhead/parking lots or only at the Mill Creek Ranger Station? ie if I’m doing San B from Angelus Oaks, can I still drive straight to the trailhead and fill out a form there, or do I have to go to the Ranger station first? Thanks!!

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