Hike Log

Alone of the Mountain….OR were we?


Ice House Canyon

Trail Conditions:




Ice House Canyon to the Saddle was pretty open and clear, the weather was great and we truly enjoyed the time to think within our own thoughts.
Once we reached the Saddle and past the sign to Ontario Peak, we both regretted the fact that we left our snow shoes sitting on the backseat of the Jeep, Bad Mistake. But, with our destination ahead, we worked out way through the snow and ice and made it to Ontario Peak, with storm clouds coming in over Baldy, we shared a quick snack, took our photos and put our micros on for the climb down.
We were alone on the mountain all day, that is until I looked ahead across the valley and say a dark hair girl dressed in blue, she almost looked like she was waving at me. At that moment, I briefly glanced away to regain my balance in the snow, looked up and she was gone. I looked for her the entire way down, once we were in the car and driving home I asked my husband if he too had seen this woman, as I told him the story we both had goose bumps, he did not see her.
In the end, it was a great day and we enjoyed our climb!


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