Today was our first peak of the year! I hiked Sitton Peak last year in June and pretty much almost collapsed from the heat and was annoyed the whole hike by bugs. So this year, the plan was to do this in the winter and hike in cooler weather without the bugs.
We started around 7:30 am this morning and it was cold, but the temperature rose throughout the day and you climb higher and higher until you are above the tree line. The trailhead parking is across from the Ortega candy store and it filled up quickly. The trail starts from behind the candy store. You start walking through a pretty forest and follow the white post signs to 4 corners. This is the halfway point and the point that puts you above the tree line where there is no more shade. So naturally we started with lots of layers and got rid of layers as we climbed up. The hike continues up and down the hill. When you see the metal water  holder, the hike continues straight up the hill to the peak. It is a steep climb so make sure you have good shoes, poles, and maybe gloves to help you up and down. The peak is at the top of the hill where you can sit on the rocks to relax. The sign on the post was gone so some made a beautiful new sign to use for the peak. There is also a purple box to log your name to the peak register. It ended up being a great day that wasn’t too hot or too buggy. So make sure you do this hike before the summer!