Hike Log

Catastrophe at the end!


Ice House Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

It started out as a beautiful day. A little warm, but pretty normal for July. This peak begins in the same canyon as Cucamonga Peak, then takes a turn at the saddle and off you go to Ontario Peak. Very warm day, but a piece of cake for my younger hiking pals,  a little strenuous for me. I pushed through and was excited to see the peak and the beautiful, although dead tree at the summit. I love trees, alive or dead. I see beauty in dead trees. I wonder at the life they lived and the time they watched pass by. This tree was particularly majestic and a great photo op for those who powered through and made it to the summit. After a brief rest, and some photos, we headed back down the trail. Some hikes are easier going down than others. This one wasn't too bad and I was extremely happy once we came to the shaded area where the trail follows the creek. My companions were busy taking pictures and enjoying the creek, so I went on ahead since I was done with my picture taking for the day. I let a group of handsome young men go around me and just when I thought the worst of the day was over….WHAM! My feet came out from under me and down I went. To my great humiliation, the group of men heard me hit the ground and came running to my rescue. They were so nice, and tried to make it sound like it was no big deal, but it was to me. I was almost to the end, I let my guard down, and slipped. This is what happens when you're tired, but this is the time to pay special attention to each step. Lesson learned. Although sore the next day, the biggest place I hurt was my pride!


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